Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Take Advantage of Your Opportunities

I have been preaching through the book of Hebrews. One topic which is prominent in the middle of the book is that Jesus is the greatest High Priest that anyone could ever have. Many evidences are given of the superiority of Jesus' High Priesthood compared to the priests of the law. But what difference should it make in our lives that Jesus is our great high priest?

This past Sunday I suggested four ways that we should take advantage of having Jesus as our great high priest. All of these suggestions are based on the fact that the role of the priest is to represent people before God. The priest goes to God on behalf of the people. And since Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, then He has the greatest opportunity to go to God on our behalf. Here is how I believe we should respond to the priesthood of Christ. First, we should approach God, through Christ for salvation. Second, we should approach God, through Christ, with confession of our sins. Third, we have the privilege of approaching God, through Christ, with our prayers and concerns. Fourth, we should approach God, through Christ, with the worship that He deserves.

Even though our sin disqualifies us from approaching God on our own, the sacrifice which Jesus offered of His own blood gives us the enourmous privilege of talking to God and being heard. Let's take advantage of our opportunities.

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